1,656 research outputs found

    Muscle architectural and physiological responses to immobilisation: impact of age and obesity

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    Clinical scenarios of recovery from illness or injury both require acute, mandatory periods of bed rest or immobilisation. However, this inevitably leads to; muscle loss, muscle weakness and a number of negative health problems which may be exacerbated in the elderly and in the obese. Both ageing and obesity are accompanied by reduced habitual physical activity levels and impaired muscle metabolic health which may pose an additive burden on musculoskeletal health in these patients. Therefore, understanding musculoskeletal deterioration associated with immobilisation is a major public health issue and embodies a vital area for scientific investigation. This thesis describes a series of human volunteer studies performed to elucidate the short-term (3 days) and longer-term (14 days) impact of muscle unloading on muscle metabolic and physiological health in healthy young and older, normal weight and obese volunteers The major findings were: 3 days of unilateral lower limb immobilisation in healthy normal weight young and older volunteers supressed myofibrillar protein FSR by ~25% (p<0.01) and ~22% (P<0.05) respectively when compared to the non-immobilised limb at baseline, whilst this was not apparent in healthy young obese volunteers. In addition, ultrasonography-determined medial gastrocnemius muscle volume declined during immobilisation in the young normal weight group and the young obese group by ~7% (p<0.05) and ~15% (p<0.01) respectively, but not the older normal weight group. A significant association was observed between ultrasonography and MRI determined baseline muscle volume (medial gastrocnemius and vastus lateralis) and the absolute decline in muscle volume during unloading across all age groups and BMI ranges. Finally, 14 days of bed rest initiated similar changes in targeted mRNA expression during bed rest from which IPA analysis predicted similar changes in cellular functions in young and older humans, whilst 14 days of exercise rehabilitation in older humans resulted in an attenuated response in mRNA expression from which IPA analysis predicted a differential response in cellular functions relating to muscle differentiation and lipid metabolism. This thesis has provided novel insight regarding changes in muscle architecture and protein metabolism in response to short-term muscle unloading in humans and further impacts of aging and obesity on these parameters. In addition, this thesis has provided novel insight regarding mRNA gene expression changes during longer-term bed rest in young and older volunteers and during rehabilitation and has offered insight of metabolic functions most affected by these changes. These findings have important implications for the development of nutritional and exercise strategies to attenuate muscle atrophy during muscle unloading

    Implementasi Posture Evaluation Index untuk Perancangan Meja RBTI dengan Menggunakan Virtual Environment Human Modelling

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    Reading Room of Industrial Engineering (RBTI) is one means of supporting the learning activities in the form of a library that is located on the 2nd floor of Industrial Engineering Diponegoro University campus. The desk is one of the main facilities that should be considered in service in RBTI. The results of the initial questionnaire to 30 respondents indicated that 66.67% of respondents felt less comfortable to design a desk that is due to be bent so that the user can read and write well. This study examines aspects of ergonomics in a virtual environment on actual desk, so that aspect of ergonomics can be compared to recommended desk that have been adapted to the size of its anthropometry. The purpose of this study is to provide an assessment and compare the posture of the user using the actual desk to recomended desk by using Posture Evaluation Index (PEI). PEI integrate low back value analysis (LBA), Ovako working posture analysis (OWAS) and rapid upper limb assessment (RULA). Analyses were performed using a virtual human model that is provided on the software environment jack 8. The results showed that the actual value of PEI at the table have a higher value than recommended desk. This indicates that the lower the PEI value, the better the posture

    Pengaruh Jumlah Zakat Produktif, Umur Produktif Mustahik, dan Lama USAha Mustahik terhadap Produktivitas USAha Mustahik (Studi pada Baitul Mal Kota Banda Aceh)

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    This study is aimed to investigate the influence of productive zakat amount, mustahik productive age, and duration of mustahik enterprises towards the productivity of mustahik enterprises. The number of samples in this study are 38 mustahik who received productive zakat of Baitul Mal Banda Aceh and commited as small traders by using probability sampling technique with random sampling method and using the solvin formula.The data used are the secondary data which directly collected from Baitul Mal Banda Aceh office. To test the hipotesis this study used multiple regression analisys by using SPSS 23.The results of the study show that either simultaniously or partially, the productive zakat amount, mustahik productive age, and the duration of mustahik enterprises effect the productivity of mustahik enterprises. Keywords— Productive Zakat, Mustahik Productive Age, Duration of Mustahik Enterprises, and the Productivity of Mustahik Enterprise

    Analisis Penerapan PSAK No. 102 Tentang Akuntansi Murabahah (Studi Kasus pada Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Syari'ah Baitul Qiradh Afdhal Cabang Kota Lhokseumawe)

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    This study is aimed to analyze the application of PSAK No. 102 about murabaha accounting system on shariah microfinance institutions Baitul Qiradh Afdal Lhokseumawe Regional. Thisstudy uses descriptive analyses method. The data used is primary data obtained directly by interview , and secondary data through documentation and study of literature.The results showed that the application of the murabaha accounting system on shariah microfinance institutions Baitul Qiradh Afdal Lhokseumawe Regional with PSAK No. 102 about murabaha accounting has not been fully run in accordance with the applicable rules. Keywords—Murabahah, PSAK No. 102, Baitul Qirad

    Pengaruh Masa Kerja, Jabatan, dan Jenjang Pendidikan terhadap Tingkat Pemahaman Aparatur Pemerintah Tentang Pripsip–prinsip Good Governance di Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh

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    The objective of this research is to examine and analyze the influence of servicing period, position, and education level toward the level of understanding of government officials about the principles of good government governance in the Government of Banda Aceh City. The research type used in this research is verificative research or hypothesis testing research.Respondents in this study amounted to 82 respondents as the sample of the total population of 459 respondents, namely Banda Aceh City government officials who served as Eselon II and Eselon IV of the government services and boards in the Government of Banda Aceh City. Data used in this study are primary data obtained by conducting field research by distributing questionnaires to the respondents directly. All questionnaires can be returned by respondents.Based on the descriptive analysis of the government officials, score of the level of understanding of government officials about the principles of good government governance is obtained by 79.76%. Based on the acquisition of this score can be said that the level of understanding of government officials about the principles of good government governance in the Government of Banda Aceh City is high. The independent variables in this study are presented in the form of dummy variables. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it is showed that the servicing period and education level have influence toward the level of understanding of government officials about the principles of good governance in the Government of Banda Aceh City, while the position does not have influence toward the level of understanding of government officials about the principles of good governance in the Government of Banda Aceh City

    Pengaruh Laba, Arus Kas Operasi, Arus Kas Bebas, dan Pembayaran Dividen Kas Sebelumnya terhadap Dividen Kas yang Diterima oleh Pemegang Saham (Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

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    The objective of this research is to examine and analyze the influence of earnings, operating cash flow, free cash flow, and last year cash dividend both simultaneously and partially toward cash dividend received by stock holders on listed companies from the manufacturing sector at the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the year 2001-2005. The research type used is verificative research by using census method.The target population of this research is listed companies from the manufacturing sector at the Indonesia Stock Exchange which have positive earnings, operating cash flow, free cash flow and pay cash dividend both current year and last year. After being selected, there are 11 companies as target population. Because this research is done for five years, the total observations are 55. The multiple regression model is used to examine the influence of earnings, operating cash flow, free cash flow, and last year cash dividend both simultaneously and partially toward cash dividend received by stock holders.The results of this research show that (1) earnings, operating cash flow, free cash flow, and last year cash dividend simultaneously have influence toward cash dividend received by stock holders, (2) partially, earnings, free cash flow, and last year cash dividend have positive influence toward cash dividend received by stock holders, whereas operating cash flow has negative influence toward cash dividend received by stock holders

    Design Of Multi Sensor Quadcopter Navigation Data Acquisition For Early Fire Detection and Treatment

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    Recently, forest and land fires have become an event that has become a concern for the national and international community. This research creates a quadcopter as a tool for detecting forest and land fires. This system is an alternative tool for detecting forest and land fires that already exist. The advantage of this quadcopter is that it can collect data before the fire, during the fire, and after the fire. This quadcopter is designed and realized the developm­­­­­ent of an automatic navigation system for unmanned aircraft. This system is controlled by a microcontroller that processes IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) sensor data in which there is a gyroscope and accelerometer, GPS, and magnetometer so that it can fly automatically. The purpose of this study is to acquire data on the navigation sensors used in the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) design, then the data from the navigation sensors will be combined using complement and median filters as position control input for the quadcopter. Based on this research, processing from sensor readings to sensor integration is able to produce better data, where the quadcopter's angle of view has an error percentage of 1.10° and 0.68°. This value is smaller than the percentage error of the magnetometer sensor alone or the IMU sensor alone which results in an error percentage of 1.18° and 0.76°
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